The Shakti Foundation Concept
The question of today really is, 'how do we as human beings transform the individualistic, materialistic, greed based ideology, and move towards one based on awareness and compassion for others, not self interested motivation and usery.' The answer can only be by one individual at a time. How can this be done ?
The Shakti Foudation is here to unite. The problem we are facing in the world today is the idea of I am an individual, an 'island' not connected to the whole. The reality is clear, we are connected. A decision made in a corporate boardroom effects another person half way around the planet. As we move rapidly towards a planet governed by corporations, the need to establish a concrete corporate solution to the problems of the day has never been greater. The main obstacle to advancing our society is the disconnect that exists between corporations and their competitors, that is based on competition. We are not suggesting that companies give up their competitive nature, however we are proposing that they work together, 'co-operate' when it comes to acting on corporate responsibility. Uniting, but with a common goal, giving to those who are in need. It is only by working together that we are going to make a difference. Now is the time to act. Our intention is to:
- Unite sectors of the economy forming charitable alliances.
- Unite companies with common interest in specific charitable causes.
- Unite individuals who share in a common vision for a better world.
Shakti Foundation began with one individual realizing that we are all connected therefore, it's time to remind people of that. This organization is built on the idea that one individual can make a difference. If we all can work with this simple ideology that this is possible, and is the reality, then we can rapidly expand and empower the individuals, who are the heart and soul of the corporations that they work for. A corporation is only as good as the individuals that work for it. It is clear that the individual is the stepping stone to expanding the collective vision for creating a better world. These individuals are the forward thinking CEO's of today, the trend setters, the companies that can think 'out of the box' and become visionary in their approach to corporate responsibility. thereby creating the admiration of fellow companies who will simply want to be 'on board.' By expanding the corporate responsibility, a company can become like a flower, radiating its beauty to it's competitors, and the consumer population who will want to spend their money with a company that has a spotless reputation of giving back to the planet. In fact it is the companies that act first that will benefit the most from taking action, gaining respect, admiration and expansion.
We intend to build a global network infrastructure forming strategic alliances, that will enable us to act more effectively to move humanity towards a better world. First and foremost our plans include building an easy to access network of companies, and individuals on the internet, that all share in the common vision for a better world.
There is a large segment of our population that is wise, has huge access to resources, has the time and is willing to help. Every year millions retire, having put in there life of service, the elderly often find themselves with nothing but time on their hands and with nothing to do, but with a strong desire to give back. We aim to provide this huge under utilized resource a way to give back to the community and to the planet, at the same time providing them with a feeling of fulfillment in their old age. In some cultures the elderly are respected and revered. This is a sound philosophy, as these are our parents, our grandparents, and having raised us, have earned the respect they deserve. The Shakti Foundation will empower the elderly to work with our charitable services providers, giving them easy access to a range of possibilities of service. This is a huge and growing resource that needs to be addressed now.
In sanskrit it is called 'seva' or translated is selfless service. Donating your time, or money or skills demanding or expecting nothing in return or personal benefit is 'seva.' This is not only good for community relations but also is good for the moral uplifting of the person. Helping the community or those in need by performing unpaid work in hospitals, 'old peoples' homes, community centres, etc. can for many people form an essential part of their life, providing fulfilment and practical benefits. Shakti Foundation is founded on the simple principle of 'seva' or working towards the "common good of all". This means reaching out to serve and uplift all of humanity. When one does Seva, one should just do it without any thought for a return - think of it as a duty to the society. Whether in the form of donated time, money or resources, corporate responsibility should be viewed as 'seva' but on a global scale - as a corporation it is our duty to the society. This is not a new concept, it can only bring uplifting benefits to all who participate.
Charity is the practice of benevolent giving. The Shakti Foundation, it partners, sponsors and alliances will form a positive movement for change working with a host of community outreach programs and global charitable organizations aiding and spreading compassion to millions of people worldwide.
Tools and Resources
Offering individuals and corporations the necessary tools and resource infrastructure to easily connect with, and work with other people and organizations that have similar ideals and goals, enabling them to work more effectively as a united whole is our mission.
"With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world."